
2022 PAGCSC Trail Clearing & Picnic

Every year with the fall season comes trail-clearing time for many snowmobile clubs, including ours. On September 24th, our club held its annual work detail, combining it with our annual club picnic. In today’s busy times, clubs struggle to get the help needed to complete the tasks necessary to keep our trails open for snowmobilers. We had a decent turnout for the trail clearing, with fourteen men and women participating. That included a very helpful youngster, with everyone helping complete whatever needed to be done. The foliage always seems to grow regardless of whether we have a wet or dry summer season, making for a full day of clearing, not to mention the numerous downed trees that were across the trails.

As many of you know, a section of our South Rail Bed will now be permanently closed. The section that will be closed begins right behind our clubhouse and ends at the Pine Creek Outfitters access road (east of the clubhouse). The South Rail Bed from the Pine Creek Outfitters access road to the Burnin’ Barrel will remain open. Also, the 2.8 mile stretch of South Rail Bed from the Log Cabin Inn to the PAGCSC clubhouse will remain open (west of the clubhouse).

The North Meadow Trail will now be our main route to our clubhouse from the Colton Road and is located on the north side of Route 6. The trail will start behind the Burnin’ Barrel, then you’ll cross Route 6, and run past the red barn, following the signs along the North Meadow Trail to the clubhouse.

A big shout out to Ed Holden, who graciously donated 44 tons of 2RC stone toward the North Meadow Trail improvement project. Thanks very much, Ed!

While the trail crews were busy getting the trails in shape for the upcoming snowmobiling season, the ladies were busy in the clubhouse preparing a WONDERFUL picnic that included burgers and hotdogs on the grill and much, much more.

As a reminder for this year, whenever there’s sufficient snow on the ground to ride, we’ll again be pumping 89 OCTANE GAS FROM OUR TANK THIS WINTER TO CLUB MEMBERS at our clubhouse on weekends from Saturday 10AM-5PM and Sunday 10AM-3PM.

In closing, I’d like to thank the following volunteers who helped make our annual work detail and club picnic day possible: Tom & Aine Byrne, June Baney, Dave & Belinda Frost, Cheryl Gross, Bob & Bobby Prettyman, Rick Prettyman, Walt Domarew, Diane Tshudy, Vic Ferree, Walt Murphy, and myself, Jim Baney.

Think Snow, everyone!

Jim Baney (AKA Grousegirl), President, PAGCSC

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