Vintage Snowmobile Ride – January 22, 2022
The PAGCSC Vintage Snowmobile Ride was held this past Saturday and was a great, fun ride! The group made it to Colton Point before the ’68 Ski-Doo blew a head gasket. No worries, the Burkholder boys did a little trail-side repair and the ride resumed—can’t keep those Burkholder boys down! But it was decided after that to return to the clubhouse, with the Ski-Doo sleds retired and newer ones ridden on the second outing. This time, the group went as far as Thompson Hollow Road, and then had to stop on the way back at the Burnin’ Barrel to meet up with other sledders who were also feeling a bit parched. A beer later, the crew returned to the clubhouse, for a total of 25 miles round-trip on the second ride. Despite the very low temperatures, nobody froze all that badly, and it was agreed that this ride will have to be repeated by everyone next year! So, come along and join us in 2023 when we host this same ride!
As seen in the photo, all present-day manufacturers were represented on the ride, including Ski-Doo, Arctic Cat, Yamaha, and Polaris.