General Information
SNOWMOBILERS: Route Change to the PAGCSC Clubhouse
Please use the NORTH MEADOW TRAIL that starts behind the Burnin’ Barrel, goes through the field, and crosses Route 6 approximately 100 yards down the road from the Barrel. Stay to the right of the “RED BARN,” following the marked trail, which will bring you out across the road from the clubhouse on Route 6.
REASON: South Rail Bed Permanent Closure due to the Ongoing Trail Flooding Issue.
Back in 2017, our club did a major rebuild on the old bridge just east of Pine Creek Outfitters on the South Rail Bed. The new “Dave Hassler Memorial Bridge” served everyone well with water flowing freely under the bridge and out to Pine Creek. Over the last several years, conditions have worsened to the point that water is no longer flowing under the bridge at all. We’ve tried addressing the problem but have not been successful.
Unfortunately, this has caused the west lagoon at the Pine Creek Outfitters access road to stay high and is constantly FLOODING over 100 yards of the rail bed in that low-lying area, which has forced us to make the decision for a new route.
A big shout out to Ed Holden, who graciously donated 44 tons of 2RC stone toward the North Meadow Trail improvement project. Thanks very much, Ed!
The only section of the South Rail Bed that will be Permanently Closed is from the Pine Creek Outfitters access road to the PAGCSC clubhouse. Sledders coming from the west (McCarthy Trail/Log Cabin Inn) to the clubhouse on the South Rail Bed will not be affected until they reach the clubhouse. AT THE CLUBHOUSE, THE SOUTH RAIL BED WILL BE CLOSED, and you’ll be directed to the North Meadow Trail that is directly across Route 6 from the clubhouse, coming out by the “RED BARN” just down the road from the Burnin’ Barrel and the Colton Road.
We encourage our members to respect the landowners whose land you are crossing along the trails and to remember that riding is a privilege, not a right.
If you need to cross the parking lot at The Log Cabin Inn and Restaurant, keep in mind that they are kindly allowing riders that access and, therefore, all snowmobiles should be driven very slowly through that area. There have been serious issues in the past and we have agreed to install the following signs at either end of the trail through their parking lot:

In addition, whenever conditions are not good (for instance, not enough snow on the ground for a riding base) and/or the trail behind the clubhouse is not considered usable, we may be redirecting riders to other areas, so snowmobilers should be watching for closure signs on area trails.
Ride to Black Forest Inn
This ride is on Jan. 8th, conditions permitting. Embarkation points and times for club rides will be posted on our Website and Facebook pages before the events, so be sure to check for updates.
Winter 2021 Season
We’re hoping for a great snowy season in 2021. Check back in the winter for updates on Trail Conditions.
2/4 Trail report
A few of us from the club Road the last two days Wednesday and Thursday. First of all the trails have plenty of snow on them. We received the snow from earlier in the week which on average was 7 to 9 inches in the area depending on where you are. Tuesday night we received…